
Comment history with S-Majere


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments

Hey how's it going, I read on your weblog on your Xanga that you went to the U.S? Did you enjoy your trip over here?

Posted by Cubanitagurl on Apr 11, 08 4:35 pm

Haha it's ok i still like the layout it's awsome but when you do make the redesign let me no, im gonna have that layout on for a while.

Posted by Cubanitagurl on Feb 9, 08 7:40 pm

Haha, yeah - you know what though? I missed out the link to view pictures XD I'll have to do a redesign soon and make a few changes to it. Thanks again, though! x

Posted by S-Majere on Feb 8, 08 3:15 pm

You deserved it you did an amazing job on the layout, you caught me by suprise I would of never thought you would of done the layout like that and the blood splatter that's like on the messege me, and add me is an awsome idea.

Posted by Cubanitagurl on Feb 7, 08 5:31 pm

You're very welcome, thanks for dropping me a note. I always love hearing whether my designs are useful or no. x

Posted by S-Majere on Feb 7, 08 3:04 am
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  • Female
  • 14 years old